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58115 Mätvagn Insider modell
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58115 Mätvagn Insider modell
Spår: 1 Epok: IV
Märklin 58115 Mätvagn, med Led display på sidorna som kan visa olika tider såsom, restider, hastighet m.m. Insider modell
Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) layover car. Railroad maintenance car from a former 3-axle rebuild car.
Model: Car comes with a digital decoder, measurement equipment and LED displays on both sides of the car in the car windows. Measurements and displays can be controlled in digital operation from the function buttons f1 through f4 with the 6021 Control Unit. The route that the train has taken, its travel times, and speeds as well as the entire time in operation can be measured and displayed. This display can be given in model or prototype units of measurement. In conventional operation, the speed is given in km/h. Side play of the end axles is controlled by the center axle. Doors and roll-down barriers can be opened at the ends of the car. Minimum radius required for operation 1,020 mm / 40-5/32*. Length over buffers 41.6 cm / 16-3/8*. Highlights:
- Working digital model.
- Universal measurements are
- possible with the car in operation.
- Large display of the measurement values on both sides of the car.
The 58115 main line measurement car is being produced in a one-time series in 2003 only for Insider members.